Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships

The University of British Columbia offers the Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships for international students. The scholarships is for the high academic performing students who wishes to further their studies abroad in Canada. There are two classes of Mackenzie King Scholarship are available to graduates of Canadian universities:

  • The Open Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in any discipline, in Canada or elsewhere.
  • The Travelling Scholarship is available to graduates of Canadian universities who pursue graduate study in the United States or the United Kingdom in the areas of international relations or industrial relations.

Level/Field of Study: Master and PhD Degree in any chosen course of study offered at the university.

Selected Countries: All students from any country.

Scholarships Value

About four(4) bursaries are available for both Canadian and international students which worth up $12,500 – $13,500 covering tuition fee and study allowance.

Also see >>> UCL Health Scholarships in UK

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Open scholarship is only available to any Canadian University graduate who commenced or is pursuing a graduate study(masters or doctoral) in any field of study in Canada or in any other country.
  • The Travelling Scholarship is only open to Canadian University graduate who commenced or is pursuing a graduate study(masters or doctoral)  in the United States or the United Kingdom, of international relations* or industrial relations.

How to Apply

In order to apply for this scholarships, interested students are to apply for an admission into Master degree programme at the university with his or her choice of course. When offered an admission, the student is automatically eligible to apply for any of these scholarships.

After enrolment into the university, the student can submit a Scholarship Application Form via online.

Supporting Documents for the admission: 

  • Three letters of reference,
  • transcripts from for all post-secondary studies, and
  • CV must be submitted.

Application Deadline: February, 2024.

To learn more about this scholarship and application visit Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships.

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